Vikram Rao’s Journey to a Sculpted Chest: Gynecomastia Surgery with Dr. Harikiran Chekuri

Patient Details

  • Name: Vikram Rao
  • Age: 28
  • Gender: Male

Patient Background:

Vikram Rao, a 28-year-old fitness trainer, had been dealing with gynecomastia for several years. Despite his active lifestyle and impressive physique, his chest remained disproportionately enlarged, which made him feel insecure, especially in his profession where physical appearance was essential. His chest size caused constant frustration, as even at his leanest, the excess tissue around his chest wouldn’t go away. After trying various non-surgical methods like diet adjustments and specialized chest workouts, Vikram realized surgery was the only permanent solution. Based on recommendations and online reviews, he consulted Dr. Harikiran Chekuri, a renowned gynecomastia surgeon in Hyderabad.


Vikram’s chest had a noticeable bulge that persisted despite his high level of physical fitness. His primary concern was aesthetics, as the gynecomastia made his chest look soft and disproportionate compared to his muscular build. Unlike other patients, Vikram had no pain or tenderness—his focus was entirely on improving his chest’s appearance to match the rest of his physique.

Diagnostic Method

During his consultation with Dr. Chekuri, a detailed physical examination revealed that Vikram had predominantly glandular tissue, with minimal fatty deposits, contributing to the appearance of gynecomastia. Blood tests showed no hormonal issues, confirming that his condition was due to idiopathic causes. After considering non-surgical options, Dr. Chekuri confirmed that surgery would be the most effective method to achieve the sculpted chest Vikram desired.


Vikram was diagnosed with glandular gynecomastia, where excess breast tissue formed beneath the nipples, creating a puffy, enlarged appearance. Given his profession and high expectations for aesthetic results, Dr. Chekuri recommended gynecomastia surgery in Hyderabad tailored specifically to target the glandular tissue and provide a defined chest contour.

Treatment Plan:

The treatment plan focused on achieving precise, aesthetic results:

  • Pre-operative preparation: Vikram underwent routine blood tests and pre-surgery photographs were taken to document his chest’s condition.
  • Surgical Procedure:
    • Anesthesia: General anaesthesia was used to ensure Vikram’s comfort throughout the procedure.
    • Excision of glandular tissue: Since Vikram’s gynecomastia was primarily due to glandular tissue, Dr. Chekuri performed a direct excision through a small incision around the areola, ensuring minimal scarring.
    • Liposuction (minimal): Only a small amount of liposuction was required to smooth out the surrounding area for a more even contour.
    • Chest sculpting: Special attention was given to creating a defined, muscular chest that aligned with Vikram’s fitness goals.
    • Closure: The incision was closed with dissolvable sutures, and compression bandages were applied to minimize swelling.

Post-Surgery Guidelines:

After the surgery, Vikram followed a rigorous post-surgery regimen to ensure optimal results:

  • Rest and recovery: He was advised to rest for two days and gradually resume light physical activities.
  • Compression garments: He wore a compression vest for six weeks to support the chest muscles and prevent swelling.
  • Return to fitness: While lower body exercises were permitted after two weeks, Vikram was instructed to avoid upper body workouts, especially chest exercises, for six weeks to allow the tissue to heal properly.
  • Follow-up appointments: Regular check-ups with Dr. Chekuri ensured that Vikram’s recovery was on track and that his chest was healing as expected.


Vikram’s recovery went smoothly, and within four weeks, he noticed a significant difference. His chest had a firmer, more contoured appearance, with no visible bulge under the nipples. By the end of six weeks, the results were striking—Vikram’s chest looked perfectly sculpted and aligned with the rest of his well-built physique. The small incision scars were barely noticeable and would continue to fade over time.

Long-Term Results:

Three months after the surgery, Vikram was back to his regular fitness routine with a newfound sense of confidence. His chest now matched his muscular frame, and the surgery allowed him to reach the aesthetic goals he had been striving for. The gynecomastia surgery in Hyderabad not only transformed his appearance but also enhanced his professional image as a fitness trainer, helping him feel more authentic in his role. The procedure exceeded his expectations and provided long-lasting results.

Patient Feedback:

“As a fitness trainer, my appearance is a huge part of my work, and having gynecomastia always made me feel insecure. Even though I worked out intensely, my chest never looked the way I wanted. Meeting Dr. Harikiran Chekuri changed everything. He understood exactly what I needed and sculpted my chest to match my body. I’m thrilled with the results—my chest looks amazing, and the recovery was smooth. If you’re struggling with this issue, I highly recommend gynecomastia surgery with Dr. Chekuri.”

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